Mohammed Schools of Atlanta (MSOA) believes that an educated person in the 21st century must have a combination of academic knowledge, social intelligence, practical life skills, and a strong sense of civic and environmental stewardship for their local, regional, national, and global communities. Specifically, MSOA students are required to show mastery of a content area and apply understanding to various situations and subjects; obtain information from a variety of sources and analyze/synthesize it objectively; strategize their own learning, utilize self-knowledge to identify learning goals and needs; work in a collaborative manner; use bilingual/bi-literacy skills to communicate globally; consider multiple points of view and multicultural perspectives; pose unique questions, share new ideas; consider his/her purpose within society, and how he/she may better it for everyone; incorporate health and fitness into his/her lifestyle. In order for students to develop these 21st century skills, the MSOA academic program employs the following innovations:
Student Responsibility
Students will take responsibility for their learning through continual tracking of their academic and behavioral growth.
Real-Life Skills
MSOA teaches life skills by incorporating lessons with the daily running of the school. Learning life skills such as nutrition, credit, financial literacy and coding helps young people understand who they are and what they want out of life.
Character Education
MSOA places a strong emphasis on Islamic character education that will be developed at school and in the home.
Promoting Males in Education
Having men in the school is particularly important as they allow students to observe men who are non-violent and whose interactions with women are positive.
High Expectations for Parental Involvement
MSOA establishes exceptional parent-teacher communication, while expecting parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning.
World Language and Culture
MSOA will be one of the few schools in Georgia to have Arabic instruction as part of the core curriculum beginning in kindergarten.

MSOA has:
100% High School graduation rate
80% of our students go on to 4-year institutions of higher learning
Students attending the top Ivy League colleges/university inclusive of the top HBCU’s in the Nation.
Qu’ran based education, Arabic and Islamic Studies instruction K-12
Accelerated Math classes for Middle School Students
AP Classes
Beta Club
Caliphs Basketball Teams
Caliphs Soccer Teams
Dual Enrollment
Gardening Club
Golf Club
Middle School A-STEAM program
Model UN
Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) Participant
National Honor Society